Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Wow, I got called on yesterday in my Civil Procedure class... I don't think I could have personally done a worse job of answering the questions, but at least my prof wasn't nasty about it. It was a question on a case we read for last week, so it was buried under the 60 pages of reading for this week. If only I had gotten called on today instead! Ah, well. At least if American Hospital Supply comes up on the final it will be in my head. Or if it comes up again ever in the course of my life.

Today I volunteered to help coordinate the "book insert sale" for the International Human Rights Advocates. Not 100% sure what that will entail, but I guess I'll find out! There is also a meeting for the Equal Justice Foundation today. Just in case my normal coursework doesn't keep me busy enough I'll add some other obligations :)

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