Monday, October 22, 2007

Bummer :(

Well, he finally has a name: Gordon! It came from nowhere and really seemed to fit. I took him to the vet today where he charmed the pants off of everyone. On the way home, however, he pooped in the cat carrier and managed to get it all over himself and the carrier. I had to give him a bath and he was NOT pleased. He was wet and cold and sneezing and forlorn. He finally forgave me and has dried out quite a bit. Then I had to give him his medications. He took the decongestant pill OK but managed to spit the banana flavored antibiotic liquid everywhere. He hasn't forgiven me for that yet. I hope he does soon, because I have to administer the meds twice a day for the next week. I do have to say that all during the bath, the drying, and the medication he did not scratch me once. He has been very good even if he hates me. I am now going to put in a load of laundry and attempt to get all my homework done. It's a good thing I managed to get a little bit ahead this weekend!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

If you call him "Gor" for short people might mistake him for a Nobel Prize winner!