Friday, November 30, 2007

Hypothetically speaking

As I walked into Torts this morning the Professor told us to download the pop quiz. The quiz consisted of 40 true/false questions. There were many good hypothetical questions that needed to be answered, and, of course, argued over.

If grandma loans her rifle to her dope-smoking, crack-addicted grandson and he shoots the mail carrier (sorry dad, I didn't make it up) because he thinks he is the Easter Bunny (whom grandson despises) is grandma liable for negligent entrustment?

Can a six-month-old be liable for negligence?

These questions were actually debated. I blame the lack of sleep and too much reason (I meant to write reading, but I think too much reason is actually more accurate). We have all contracted the rabid law student before finals disease.

They told me law school changes your brain, I think that is proving to be true. Sadly, law school cannot change the need to do laundry. That is what awaits me this Friday afternoon. Life is so glamorous here on the East Coast!

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