Monday, December 3, 2007

No more Mondays

Well, this is the last Monday of class of my first Semester of law school. So what if that is not really no more Mondays, it feels like it! This morning was definately Monday in full force! Gordon was suffering from "too much rambunction" as dad would say. He jumped on my desk and knocked my cereal bowl very close to my laptop. Needless to say, I was not amused.

Today we learned how to use the exam software. No spell check :( That could be a problem... It seems to be a pretty straitforward system, and assuming my computer does not catch on fire (as apparently happened a few years ago) I should be ok on the technology end of things. The content end of things remains to be seen.

In torts we are learning about defamation and the First Amendment. The elements are 1) defamatory statement: libel (written) or slander (oral) 2) Defendant's statement was of or concerning the plaintiff 3) published (communicated to a third party). Consider yourself edified!

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