The firm picnic was last weekend, it was a great time. It was held at a farm with a train, amusement park, petting zoo, and tasty food. We'll be going sailing next week and our trip to Portland was great. The train broke down on the way home, so we sat outside Vancouver, Washington for 4 hours with no AC while Amtrak sent down a new engine to tow us to Seattle. Other than that, we lived in the lap of luxury.
The partner who heads the Immigration Group is letting me help with an asylum case and is helping me navigate the process for Ronald's visa. She is a lot of fun, very helpful, and she puts up with all my questions. I have been quite confused by some of the information on the USCIS website, but I think they do that on purpose. On July 16 the processing times posted were as of May 31 and they said they were processing applications received on December 30. So it may be that they are ahead of schedule, but that seems too much to hope for. The application is still waiting patiently at the Vermont Service Center.
Gordon is having a great summer, he's been running around outside all day, and is finally making friends with Mousse, my roommate's dog. He spent the first few weeks in the closet, but now he sleeps on Mousse's bed in the living room when he's not out gallivanting around. We'll be in Bozeman from August 5 to the 22, so he'll get to see his friends there and check out his old stomping grounds. He's going to be very upset when we get back to the apartment in Philadelphia, but hopefully he'll get over it.
While we are in Bozeman, I will be doing lots of wedding planning AND meeting Miss Christina James Bratsky. I can't wait. She is sooooo friggin' adorable!! I can't believe she'll be 4 months old by the time I meet her. Here are some of the photos I took off of Erin's Facebook profile (I hope she doesn't mind):

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