Friday, June 13, 2008

Camping in the Kalahari

Last weekend we went camping in the Kalahari. This is the truck we rode in 4.5 hours to get to Khutse Game Reserve. Our guide, Tim, customized it himself.

The winter mornings can be a bit chilly to begin with, but driving down the highway in an open truck really made it necessary to bundle up.

Back Row: Molls, Kristin, Pratik
Front Row: Nina, Dave, Emily

This is one of many traditional houses we passed on the drive down.

Here is a flock of guinea fowl that ran in front of the truck for several meters before taking off on our game drive.


Gemsbok or South African Oryx

I uploaded several more pictures, but they seem to have vanished. In the interest of getting this posted before any more of it disappears, I will publish this and try again soon.

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