Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sigh of Relief

Well, the appellate brief is turned in and Spring Break is just around the corner... This week I met with the International Human Rights Advocates (IHRA) group that is writing syllabi for a new Human Rights Master's program at Gulu University in Uganda. I joined the group in February and am writing a syllabus for a course on Children's Rights. It is a really amazing project and I am very happy to have had the opportunity to contribute.

This past weekend was the Spring Fling. It was a lot of fun, and the new dress I found worked out really well. It was nice to dance and hang out with my classmates and not think about school for a while. The venue was a little odd, but it did provide plenty of room for dancing, so I can't complain.

Tonight I will be competing in the Second Annual Penn Law Idol. I am not sure yet which song I will massacre; there are so many choices! Tomorrow the Post Acceptance Housing Subcommittee will be meeting to start pairing admitted students with hosts for Admitted Students Weekend. On Friday we leave for the IHRA trip to the Mexico border. I am excited to learn more about the current immigration situation at the border. I am not really sure what to expect, but I am looking forward to the trip. I finally found a two wonderful people to look in on my boy while I am gone, so I don't have to go to the plan B my dad suggested of finding a homeless person to stay in my apartment while I am gone. Always thinking, my dad.

And, of course, some photos for your viewing pleasure.


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