Monday, August 13, 2007


Had a mental breakdown last night; I have SO MUCH STUFF!! Where did it all come from? I keep throwing stuff away, packing boxes to mail, packing suitcases, packing boxes of (mostly books) stuff I can't bear to part with but also can't afford to mail myself or store in Philadelphia... Yet, there is always more stuff to be dealt with. I am quickly running out of days and patience. I'd really rather be hanging out with friends in the next two days than packing.

Enough whining, I had an awesome evening with some of my very favorite people in the whole world, Carter, Bjorn, Sissel, and Siri. Also, both Danny AND Sabra made it into the finals of So You Think You Can Dance, so all is well with the world for now.

Here's hoping I get everything done in the next 24 hours so I can have some time to play (hey, a girl can hope!)

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Hey Emily! Thanks for starting this blog so we can spy on you. I totally understand your mental breakdown. Ewan and I had a huge one when we were packing up. Come to think of it, we're having one now thanks to the unpacking process. Hope things move along smoothly so you can relax with friends soon.