Two months from now I will be in Botswana! Every once in a while I remember that and get giddy. It randomly strikes joy into my heart.

(Photos by Maisha)
I will be serving on the board for the Penn Law International Human Rights Advocates next year with some really great people which is very exciting. I get to put together speakers and events pertaining to human rights. I am also hoping to run for the board of the Equal Justice Foundation for next year. I need to make sure that I don't over book myself, as I am prone to do. Next year should be just as amazing as this year has been, if not more so.
Yesterday Maisha and I went Easter shopping for Gordon and Ozzie. I managed to pull the fishy off the elastic cord when I was opening the toy Mai bought for Gordon. I got out the needle and thread and sewed it back together with Gordon climbing on my lap and shoulders and trying to play with the needle and thread, the fish, the elastic cord, and anything else he could get his paws on. It is pretty humorous in hind sight, though I wasn't very amused at the time. I don't have pictures, as the photographer was busy.
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