Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Ahhhh, vacation!

Gordon and I have been having a lovely vacation in Montana for the last few weeks. Sadly, it will ball come to an end on Thursday when we head back to Philadelphia. I do love Philly and I am excited for the classes I am set to take this coming semester, but I will miss my mom's dinners, seeing friends, spending time with the parents and the dog, free laundry facilities, and all the nap time. Gordon did amazingly well on the plane ride here, so I am hoping for a repeat performance on the way home!

Well, laundry awaits, and I should probably try to get some work done on my writing sample as well (I have been suffering from vacation brain and have not been effective in that goal thus far...). I'll be interested to see what the results of the New Hampshire primaries will be. Here's hoping 2008 is all that this country desperately needs it to be!!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Hey, glad to hear your vacation is going well and that Gordon was so good on the plane. Hope he's just as good on his way home... We wish we were hanging with you in MT.
