Well, I made it to 26, who would have thought? I was admittedly a little bummed out by the whole thing until I decided that I am pretty pleased with what I've done with the past 26 years. I had a great birthday here in Philly. I watched some So You Think You Can Dance marathon, walked to the zoo, took a nap, and tried to slice my little finger off with my kitchen knife... Happily, I was unsuccessful at that last bit, but I did manage to give myself quite a gash. Apparently I should not be trusted with sharp objects.
Once I got that under control, I went out to dinner with some friends. Turns out the restaurant that I made reservations at via the internet was closed Sunday only for renovations. Strike two! So we went to a great Thai place instead. Dinner was great, and then some of us went back to my apartment to have some AMAZING carrot cake that my friend Adrianna made from scratch. She is an awesome baker, so it was the perfect ending to a great birthday. Now I get to dive into my Civil Procedure reading. I refused to do any work yesterday, so I had better get to it!
I wish I knew how to sing happy birthday in a foreign language for you! We got home so late last night that we didn't think it was right to wake you up, but we were wishing you a happy birthday telekinetically. Did you feel it? We're very happy to hear you had a good birthday (despite the sharp implement thing). Happy Birthday - You rock Emily!!!
Happy birthday! 26, that's SOOOO young! Just think of how old Molly, Michael and I are, and that should make you feel better! There's no Japanese birthday song, but there IS a song that I know!
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Misery, poverty, and despair
People dying everywhere
You have one less year to live
We will miss you
Happy Birthday!
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