Yay! Halloween is my favorite holiday! There is a girl in a cow hood and a person in a Darth Vader mask in my Crim class. I am wearing my retina-burning pink Egyptian dress. Today a group of us are going to lunch with my Civ Pro professor.
Gordon came home last night, he ate and took his medicine (with the help of a pill wand--I think those actually ARE magic) and was more playful then he has been in a while. I think he must be feeling better and also be happy to be home. He is still pretty congested and likes to sneeze on me. Norwegian class was fun, my student is great. The fajitas were also tasty. Sadly, my cable went out, so no Beauty and the Geek, no Internet, and no land-line. Comcast says it might come back on its own, but if not I have to wait until Friday night to be connected again. Then my cell phone started dropping calls. It's enough to make a girl grumpy!
About 10:45 pm I started hearing sirens, a lot of honking, and also helicopters. My Internet was down and I had no TV news so I couldn't figure out what was going on. I heard there was a shooting and the "perp" jumped into the river, then he was caught. Now I have to see if I can find the whole story online...
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
My little invalid
Well, Gordon has been at the vet since Saturday morning. I am hoping to bring him home today. He seems to be doing better at the vet's, so I hope he can do better at home as well. He has been eating but is still pretty congested. It will be nice to have him home again.
I have another Norwegian class tonight, so I am looking forward to that. We are going to make fajitas and watch Beauty and the Geek after class. So, if all goes as planned tonight should include Gordon coming home, Norwegian class, fajitas, Beauty and the Geek, and the democratic debate. This day is certainly looking better all the time! If I can do the dishes, read my Crim assignment and take a nap in addition, I will be one happy girl!!! Here's to trying to cram everything into one little evening!
I have another Norwegian class tonight, so I am looking forward to that. We are going to make fajitas and watch Beauty and the Geek after class. So, if all goes as planned tonight should include Gordon coming home, Norwegian class, fajitas, Beauty and the Geek, and the democratic debate. This day is certainly looking better all the time! If I can do the dishes, read my Crim assignment and take a nap in addition, I will be one happy girl!!! Here's to trying to cram everything into one little evening!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Home Alone
Well, I am home alone today, Gordon is at the vet. He hasn't been eating and we are worried about dehydration. This past week was really something. Between kitty meds, events, reading and classes I am exhausted.
This week's highlights:
Monday--See previous post. I am not even going to recap that disaster of a day!
Tuesday--Gordon breathes through his mouth and I wake up from a nap just in time to watch Beauty and the Geek.
Wednesday--Guest lecture on the early Chinese Americans who were driven from their homes in cities all down the West Coast and the lawsuits they filed to fight back, Gordon refuses to eat, I wade through Torts reading and make some quickie costumes for Thursday
Thursday--Today's theme: Terrible things humans are capable of doing to each other. Symposium on North Korean Refugees including a talk by a man who spent a decade in a political concentration camp starting at the age of 10, Tortfeasor's Ball where crazy law students dress up as their favorite torts. I was CaCl2 (a salt=assault)
Friday--Career Planning and Placement open house with free food, canvassing for donations for the annual Equal Justice Foundation auction in the rain, meeting Ozzie the adorable beagle
Saturday--Gordon's day at the vet, Emily's day of Civil Procedure reading (I'd rather spend all day at the vet!)
Sunday--Norwegian lessons start for a fellow 1L!
This week's highlights:
Monday--See previous post. I am not even going to recap that disaster of a day!
Tuesday--Gordon breathes through his mouth and I wake up from a nap just in time to watch Beauty and the Geek.
Wednesday--Guest lecture on the early Chinese Americans who were driven from their homes in cities all down the West Coast and the lawsuits they filed to fight back, Gordon refuses to eat, I wade through Torts reading and make some quickie costumes for Thursday
Thursday--Today's theme: Terrible things humans are capable of doing to each other. Symposium on North Korean Refugees including a talk by a man who spent a decade in a political concentration camp starting at the age of 10, Tortfeasor's Ball where crazy law students dress up as their favorite torts. I was CaCl2 (a salt=assault)
Friday--Career Planning and Placement open house with free food, canvassing for donations for the annual Equal Justice Foundation auction in the rain, meeting Ozzie the adorable beagle
Saturday--Gordon's day at the vet, Emily's day of Civil Procedure reading (I'd rather spend all day at the vet!)
Sunday--Norwegian lessons start for a fellow 1L!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Bummer :(
Well, he finally has a name: Gordon! It came from nowhere and really seemed to fit. I took him to the vet today where he charmed the pants off of everyone. On the way home, however, he pooped in the cat carrier and managed to get it all over himself and the carrier. I had to give him a bath and he was NOT pleased. He was wet and cold and sneezing and forlorn. He finally forgave me and has dried out quite a bit. Then I had to give him his medications. He took the decongestant pill OK but managed to spit the banana flavored antibiotic liquid everywhere. He hasn't forgiven me for that yet. I hope he does soon, because I have to administer the meds twice a day for the next week. I do have to say that all during the bath, the drying, and the medication he did not scratch me once. He has been very good even if he hates me. I am now going to put in a load of laundry and attempt to get all my homework done. It's a good thing I managed to get a little bit ahead this weekend!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
He's Home!
Well, about 40 minutes after my last blog post I got a call from the shelter saying my boy was ready to be picked up! I took the bus up and fetched him, and he rode the bus with me all the way home. He was SO good! When we got home he wandered around and sniffed everything for a while, then he snuggled up with me on the couch. He has to be the most adorable little love bug I have ever met. He even looked like he was smiling. Of course, when I got the camera out he clammed up a bit. I don't think the light shining in his face helped any. Here are a few shots of him on the couch.
The name game
Everyone has a strong opinion on what to name my new friend, of course. My mom wants me to name him Benjamin Franklin because I live in Philly and go to the school he founded. Dad says it seems wrong to start a cat's name with a vowel and feels it should have a good "k" sound in it, like Henrik. Shannon suggested Kimchi, and Maisha didn't want him to end up with a legalese name. I hadn't even thought of that, but there are a few that could be funny. Lex loci delecti? Habeas corpus? Res ipsa loquitur? Jurisprudence? Mens rea?
I don't think I could do that to a cat. Mom and dad both like Roger but I was saving that for a daughter, or at least a little girl puppy. I like Jarle, but mom says that sounds too feminine. I also like Eilert after Eilert Løvborg, the love interest in Hedda Gabler and Peer Gynt. I think I am most partial to Sigbjørn, after Sigbjørn Obstfelder, my favorite author. Mom reminds me that the cat is NOT Norwegian; I don't think I should hold that against him. I guess I could try living with him for a few days and see what seems to fit best.
I am terribly impatient to get him home. It makes me so sad to think of him all alone in his cage at the shelter. Also, there were several cats there that were sneezing, so I want to get him out of there before he catches an upper-respiratory infection. His little kitty bed looks very lonely without him.
I don't think I could do that to a cat. Mom and dad both like Roger but I was saving that for a daughter, or at least a little girl puppy. I like Jarle, but mom says that sounds too feminine. I also like Eilert after Eilert Løvborg, the love interest in Hedda Gabler and Peer Gynt. I think I am most partial to Sigbjørn, after Sigbjørn Obstfelder, my favorite author. Mom reminds me that the cat is NOT Norwegian; I don't think I should hold that against him. I guess I could try living with him for a few days and see what seems to fit best.
I am terribly impatient to get him home. It makes me so sad to think of him all alone in his cage at the shelter. Also, there were several cats there that were sneezing, so I want to get him out of there before he catches an upper-respiratory infection. His little kitty bed looks very lonely without him.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Good news
Well, today was a day of good tidings. I am hoping to ride that wave all the way 'till grades come out for first semester. That might be pushing it, of course, but I'll keep my fingers crossed.
First, I do not have TB. That is ALWAYS good news. Second, I have been selected to serve on the Post Acceptance Committee, which means that I get to help plan the Admitted Students Weekend for this coming March. I am pretty excited about that. My cat carrier came in today, so now I am all set for a furry adoptable. I also got an awesome package from Korea in the mail today. I'll have to post some pictures of all the cool things that were in it.
I had better go do my Property reading, only one class left this week! Amazing.
First, I do not have TB. That is ALWAYS good news. Second, I have been selected to serve on the Post Acceptance Committee, which means that I get to help plan the Admitted Students Weekend for this coming March. I am pretty excited about that. My cat carrier came in today, so now I am all set for a furry adoptable. I also got an awesome package from Korea in the mail today. I'll have to post some pictures of all the cool things that were in it.
I had better go do my Property reading, only one class left this week! Amazing.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
It's Tuesday all over again
Wow. It is only Tuesday. Amazing. I have close to a 4 day weekend this week, so even though it is only Tuesday, I am almost through my seventh week of law school classes. There are some good things coming up this week. After class I am interviewing for the Post Acceptance Committee, the group that plans the admitted students weekend like the one I attended in March. Tomorrow I am attending a lunch where my Criminal Law professor will be presenting a paper on "folk psychology" and after class there is a meeting for the Penn Law Revue which will be in the spring. Funny skits about law school? Count me in! I have a few applications in to different shelters, and I am hoping to bring a furry bundle of joy home this weekend. Pictures will be posted as soon as possible. Also, the end of this week marks the halfway point of first semester classes.
Next week will bring a screening of "God Turned His Back On Us" about the lost boys of Sudan, a meeting with the Career Planning and Placement office, the symposium on North Korean refugees, the Tortfeasor's Ball, and canvassing for donations for the Equal Justice Foundation auction in February.
Tonight is Beauty and the Geek. Now that Will and Rebecca are gone, who will be the power team? Who will Sam find to make out with and make his partner uncomfortable? I'll just have to wait until 8 tonight to find out, 5 hours and 20 minutes!
Next week will bring a screening of "God Turned His Back On Us" about the lost boys of Sudan, a meeting with the Career Planning and Placement office, the symposium on North Korean refugees, the Tortfeasor's Ball, and canvassing for donations for the Equal Justice Foundation auction in February.
Tonight is Beauty and the Geek. Now that Will and Rebecca are gone, who will be the power team? Who will Sam find to make out with and make his partner uncomfortable? I'll just have to wait until 8 tonight to find out, 5 hours and 20 minutes!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Emily's Recipe for Involuntary Civil Commitment
Combine in a large bowl
6 hard-boiled eggs, chopped
2 cans tuna, flaked
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 lb. egg noodles, cooked
mix well and pour into an oven-safe casserole dish
bake for 20-40 minutes at 325
leave oven on for the next 4 hours and wonder why the air conditioning is not keeping the apartment cool
write a blog post about the whole experience revealing to friends, family, and the public the extent of your incompetence
6 hard-boiled eggs, chopped
2 cans tuna, flaked
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 lb. egg noodles, cooked
mix well and pour into an oven-safe casserole dish
bake for 20-40 minutes at 325
leave oven on for the next 4 hours and wonder why the air conditioning is not keeping the apartment cool
write a blog post about the whole experience revealing to friends, family, and the public the extent of your incompetence
Ahhh, Friday!
Well, the end is in sight (of the week, at least). Last night I went to Petco with a friend and took advantage of their store-closing sale. I got a bed, toys, litter, a litter box, treats, food, a scratching post, and food and water dishes. Now all I need is a cat. It is soooo exciting!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Now I long for yesterweek
Man, last week is looking pretty good right now. Maybe I should wear that superhero necklace more often. This week we had an extra Civil Procedure Monday after school, Tuesday our 1:30 class was moved to 4:40, last night we were notified of a new (additional) reading of 150 pages to be finished by the end of the month, today I have an online workshop after school, and tomorrow we are currently scheduled for a double torts class. I feel much busier this week. It's not all that bad, I guess it's what I signed up for! I'm going to start outlining this week, and that should make me feel like a bona fide law student.
On the bright side: I found cheap (for a girl from Montana) plane tickets to visit friends in WI after spring semester, and I heard from the UN so now I can get started on the application for that. Also, according to my student representative, today I have survived 5% of my legal education. The end of next week is the halfway point of the first semester. This weekend I am going to my faculty adviser's house for dinner. Next week should be pretty awesome. I get to take a TB test!
On the bright side: I found cheap (for a girl from Montana) plane tickets to visit friends in WI after spring semester, and I heard from the UN so now I can get started on the application for that. Also, according to my student representative, today I have survived 5% of my legal education. The end of next week is the halfway point of the first semester. This weekend I am going to my faculty adviser's house for dinner. Next week should be pretty awesome. I get to take a TB test!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Strange week in review
It has been a pretty strange week thus far, with serious potential to get even more strange...
Monday we had two times the Criminal Law we normally do, and my professor was in not-so-rare hysterical form. That man missed his calling as a stand-up comedian, though he is a pretty great Crim professor, too.
Tuesday I got called on in Civil Procedure and my Torts professor called the group of kids that beat up a boy in one of our cases the "Jena 6."
Wednesday, in the middle of lecture my Property professor noticed my shoes and exclaimed "fabulous shoes!" mid sentence. I replied "thank you!" and when the rest of the class snickered she said "well they are, you should see them!" They are some of my favorites, too. My property professor has excellent taste! I also had two meetings for student groups I am hoping to be very involved with on Wednesday.
Thursday I ate falafel with some friends and when I joked that "now we feel awful" they had never heard that before and thought I had made it up. Sadly, I am too honest to take credit for that one. I went to the Penn Law Women's Association Ice Cream Social after class and had a
Later that evening I went to a section 1 "we don't have class tomorrow" party. I did a rousing rendition of "Baby Got Back" which is my standard karaoke song. I also had a chance to get to know some of my classmates I hadn't really talked to before. I keep meeting great people here, and that is very encouraging!
Today I went to a lecture on how to prepare for exams because I figure that is something I should probably know how to do. Now I'm off to a homemade pizza gathering.
Who knows what tomorrow has in store?
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Wow, I got called on yesterday in my Civil Procedure class... I don't think I could have personally done a worse job of answering the questions, but at least my prof wasn't nasty about it. It was a question on a case we read for last week, so it was buried under the 60 pages of reading for this week. If only I had gotten called on today instead! Ah, well. At least if American Hospital Supply comes up on the final it will be in my head. Or if it comes up again ever in the course of my life.
Today I volunteered to help coordinate the "book insert sale" for the International Human Rights Advocates. Not 100% sure what that will entail, but I guess I'll find out! There is also a meeting for the Equal Justice Foundation today. Just in case my normal coursework doesn't keep me busy enough I'll add some other obligations :)
Today I volunteered to help coordinate the "book insert sale" for the International Human Rights Advocates. Not 100% sure what that will entail, but I guess I'll find out! There is also a meeting for the Equal Justice Foundation today. Just in case my normal coursework doesn't keep me busy enough I'll add some other obligations :)
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